Tuesday, January 27, 2009

God's Unpopularity

I am a Christian. Not just a Christian who attends church to be called a Christian because it's some kind of magical word that helps people get elected to office. No. I really believe. And that seems to be a really unpopular view in today's educated world. I've been asked how my belief in God can coexist with my understanding of evolution and other scientific findings. Well, here is a small story telling why I believe what I do.

I saw God when I was a freshman in high school. At this time in my life I was skeptical of most of the Bible thanks to science. However, I had a catharsis one day in early November, 2005. I don't even know what it was. I was sitting outside by myself, thinking and was suddenly hit with an overwhelming feeling. Despite the 30 degree temperature (Fahrenheit), I became really warm and didn't feel alone anymore. I could feel someone talking to me silently. Really, it was indescribable feeling, but I have no doubt in my mind that it was the Holy Spirit. Of course, I was terribly frightened, but found myself unable to move. I have never, in my life, had such a feeling of pure terror and pure calm.

That's when I first started truly believing in God, even though I had been forced to attend church my whole life. As I continued my daily routines, I saw God in more and more places, I believe, because I let him into my heart. God can never enter a heart that is too calloused. That's why it is impossible to argue God's existence with a non-believer. They will never see him, and I will never not see him.

Although God doesn't seem to be popular in the scientific community, I think that science proves His existence, but that's another post

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